Wednesday 29 October 2008

A bit like home

Leaving work last night it started to rain. Not a lot but still. Once I reached my car (a massive walk of 15 minutes) it has started to rain LOTS. Suddently, I my Swedish Brain which has been slightly neutralised came to life. Swedish Brain reminded me that cold weather and rain is not a good combination. Like say if the temperature drops. But it wouldn't because this is the UK and it is only October. It norally only snows in let's say APRIL. Swedish Brain was still rather concerned. It might just snow if the temerature drops, it insisted.

Upon reaching home, Swedisn Brain took a back-seat. Neutralised Brain had to do some cooking to prevent Cats and Hubby from being eaten. Hubby left for some crazy-in-the-rain mountainbikingwhich Swedish Brain was not keen on. It reminded Hubby about listening to Swedish Wife. If you have no waterproofs and it rains Hubby will get cold. In NY Hubby got pneumonia because he did not listen to Swedish Wife. Hubby ought to listen. Hubby didn't. Hubby left. Not permanently in a Guy Ritchie-style. He went mountain biking.

Whilst cooking all alone in the house, Neutralised Brain glanced out the window as Smallest Cat was kind of staring an a bewildered fasion from his safe seat in the sofa. He was seing something totally new and unfamiliar.

Swedish Brain got excited. It snowed! And lots of. It brought on starting out the window for ages and singing Swedish children's songs about snow.

Then came the realisation - car does not handle well in snow or ice. The combinaiton of heavy rain, snow and freezing cold was enought for Swedish Brain to get rather concerned about getting to work this morning. Let's just say it was an interesting ride. A bit like home, but with no grit or snow ploughs...

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